Sunday, August 12, 2007









It's 3 freaking A.M.! As in morning, as in "I should be in bed asleep, not writing this damn paper!!" I hate this class, this paper, this everything!! It's due in less than 12 hours, and I have leave for work in 5 hours. Oh goodie!!

Right now I have a heat pack on my neck, tryng to loosen it up, make it stop hurting. Did some yoga stretches, worked out my shoulders/neck/back a bit. All this while doing laundry!!

4 more minutes until my break is over. *sigh*

I'm so tired right now, I feel drugged. I've taken a ton of Tylenol today (don't worry, not over 8 pills in 24 hours), so it may be working, but I still ache.

Anyway, 2 minutes left. Hope you all slept nice and comfy in your soft beds. ;)

Off to strain my brain and neck more.

FYI - Got 100% on that other paper I turned in last Friday. Very cool.


Mrs Pretzel said...

Hope you are feeling better and that your paper is DONE soon!

Kimberly said...

great job on the 100 Jess! Keep going girl, u are almost there. I am sure u will ace this one. Dont forget to give yourself a mini reward when this is done. I hope u feel better.

ChristyR said...

I'm sure you will do a great job! Get some rest!

Roni said...

you will finish it and do awesome as always, no worries, feel better soon, and i agree with Kim reward yourself!