Friday, May 3, 2013

Back at the Library Again!

After 4 years staying home, I am back at the library doing storytime! I loved it! I am filling in for only 2 storytimes, as a volunteer, but I am hoping that means more involvement over the summer.

I got there about an hour early to set up. Didn't need that long, but it was nice talking with the branch manager about library stuff! And the awesome thing about our conversation...he offered to write a letter of recommendation and/or be a reference. I also plan on helping him with the library scrapbook.

The storytime was great. A mouse theme. All I had to prepare was the book selection. The librarian had the craft arranged, as well as the flannel story. Here is what I did today:

Hello Song

“Clap and Sing Hello!” (Tune: Farmer in the Dell)
We clap and sing hello,
We clap and sing hello,
With our friends at storytime,
We clap and sing hello!
(Wave and sing hello; stomp and sing hello.)

Book - A New House for Mouse by Petr Horacek

Song - Hickory Dickory Dock

Hickory Dickory Dock
Hickory dickory dock (run fingers up legs)
The mouse ran up the clock (run fingers up body)
The clock struck one
The mouse ran down
Hickory dickory dock
...the clock struck two (clap twice) - the mouse said boo!

...the clock struck three (clap3 times) ...the clock struck four (clap4 times)
- the mouse said whee! - there is no more
(clap hands once over head) (run fingers down body)
(run fingers down legs)

Book - If You Give A Mouse A Cookie

Flannel - Lunch by Denise Fleming

Book - As Quiet As A Mouse by Hilda Offen

Goodbye Song - Goodbye, so long, farewell my friend

Craft - mouse mask (already assembled)


Here is a picture that my friend snapped of me.

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