Thursday, April 3, 2008

I'll be back soon, I promise!!

I just have to say I miss scrapbooking!!! I've been away too long, with little available to express my creativeness. I've been cross-stitching a lot lately, going to Stitch n' Bitch nights at the library and at a local restuarant. It's been a lot of fun and I am making friends. But I really miss scrapbooking.

Today I visited a blog of a person who has invited me to her crops. Here is her page: Luv2scrapmilestones. She is so creative! I can't wait to meet her and to crop together. Here is a challenge blog that she is a part of as well: ChitChatChallenge.

This weekend I vow to work more in my new scrapbook room, to get it organized, and to get ready for Scrap Etc. in Nashville, which is only 2 weeks away!!!

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